As the sole user interface designer on this project I designed all wireframes, GUIs, and specs for this app that functions both on native devices (iOS and Android) as well as on any web-enabled device. This solution was also executed as a platform, utilizing the university’s content management system, allowing the app to be quickly modified and easily maintained by a non-technical editor or designer.
The user strategy for this app was to put the core focus on current audiences (students, staff and faculty) and also included some easy wins by including alumni news and the already mobile-friendly athletics site. Dividing the page into two sections determined by frequency of use, the user can easily navigate through key tasks such as wayfinding, dining, or transportation and still have finger-tip access to courses, emergency information, news and events. In addition a “Find People” and “Find Departments” search fields are exposed on the home screen for quick access to contact information.
The University at Buffalo needed something new in the mobile marketplace to meet user expectations for mobile access. Built as part of the larger, UB Web Management project, content authors are able to quickly update the app and meet business needs (such as promotion of President Obama’s August 2013 visit to UB) all without the help of a programmer. This met the most important goal of taking mobile development time out of the equation and put this product at the level of any of the enterprise products currently available on the market.
You can read more about my role in mobile design here:
UB Web Management Case Study